
The riverlands game of thrones
The riverlands game of thrones

the riverlands game of thrones

Drinking and whoring are their own brand of madness when you sit on a throne that everybody wants. Robert was a great soldier and a horrible king. So, the Riverlands joined the war against the Mad King and it was on one of our rivers that Prince Rhaegar died, sealing the fate of his dynasty. At least Hoster didn't send her to Robert. But of course, where do you think most of the blood was spilled? My brother Hoster guaranteed the answer to that with the marriage of my niece to Eddard Stark, the Warden of the North. The North, the Stormlands, and the Vale rose against him. Aerys soon blundered into a triple alliance. Westeros has had its share of Mad Kings, but usually, they had the sense not to bully more than one powerful house at a time. But like all good things, sooner or later, it all goes to sht. Yet under the Targaryens, the Riverlands knew a peace we hadn't had for centuries, if ever. For marrying off our sons and daughters wisely enough so that we didn't follow House Mudd into, well, the mud.

the riverlands game of thrones

For keeping the Freys in their place and out of others' pockets. For keeping the Blackwoods and Brackens from wiping each other out, and giving us two more castles to deal with. For settling Harrenhal on families stupid enough to think its curse would skip them, after devouring all previous families. We were now responsible for aiding the Mallisters at Seagard against the pouting ironborn, whenever they got cheeky. House Tully was named the Lord Paramount of the Trident, which means we had to keep in line all those lords who hadn't governed themselves for thousands of years. My ancestor Edmyn Tully led the desertion of Riverlords to his cause and was rewarded by getting to watch King Harren burn in his own tower. Aegon Targaryen landed to our south and, as had many before him, liked the look of the Riverlands. It turned out the ironborn would not be there long enough to bother. Never mind that their monstrous castle, Harrenhal, was too large to staff and garrison. I suppose after years of drowning at sea, our rivers looked pretty attractive to that race of pirates and rapers. snow? House Mudd once ruled as the Kings of the Rivers and Hills, but after a thousand years, their line was exhausted and fell to the Storm Kings, who fell to the ironborn. The Westerlands' gold, the Reach's grain, the Vale's rock and the North's. Doesn't help that the Riverlands are between everything and everything else. Brynden Tully: Men have fought over the Riverlands since the Dawn Age, but that's to be expected of things that rest below the Neck. For More Extras Check out The Game of Thrones DVD and Blu-ray sets on Amazon, available February 18th, 2014. Narrated by Clive Russell who plays Brynden Tully / Blackfish. The Riverlands is explored in this Season 3 DVD Extra.

The riverlands game of thrones